Establishment of a hydrogen refueling station in Bielefeld
In the innovative project of establishing hydrogen refueling stations, the seamless delivery of hydrogen takes center stage. The EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) model, incorporating the steps of engineering, procurement, and construction, is applied for the planning, procurement, and construction of the refueling station. Construction technology plays a crucial role and includes the design of outdoor facilities, access roads, earthworks, and foundations, all of which form the basis for efficient hydrogen supply.

The refueling of four buses back-to-back poses a challenge that is addressed through precise technical planning. With a storage capacity of approximately 1000 kg of hydrogen on-site, a reliable supply is ensured.

Special project conditions are taken into account, especially the expandability of the facility in the future. This allows for flexible adaptation to increasing requirements and the growing demand for hydrogen as an environmentally friendly fuel. The holistic concept of the project thus combines innovative construction technology, sustainable energy supply, and forward-thinking planning.